

自从卡罗莱纳 第一台电脑 20世纪50年代, the University has been a place for re太阳城娱乐城 和 work that enriches learning 和 prepares Tar Heels for meaningful careers. 无论是在计算机科学系, the new 数据科学与社会学院 or any other corner of Carolina, Tar Heels are using their specialties to make a difference.

Keep reading to see how computer science 和 data science re太阳城娱乐城 comes to life at Carolina.

成立于1964年的太阳城娱乐 计算机科学系 是美国第二古老的大学.S. 并在今天继续发挥作用. In 2020, ShanghaiRankings Consultancy’s Ranking of World Universities ranked the department No. 全球17个,No. 11个在美国.S. The department’s graduate program was also ranked No. 24 by U.S. 新闻 & 2023年世界报告.

纵观其历史, the department has successfully collaborated with other departments at Carolina, 反映在最近的工作涉及 医疗机器人药物太阳城娱乐.

桌子上的一个微型机器人玩具. 背景中站着一个拿着笔记本电脑的人.

作为卡罗莱纳最新的学校之一, 数据科学与社会学院 envisions “a world made healthy, safe 和 prosperous for all through data-informed decisions,” 根据院长Stan A. Ahalt. 雇佣了它 第一个老师, SDSS currently offers a Master of Applied Data Science degree 和 plans to launch Bachelor of 艺术 和 Bachelor of Science undergraduate degrees in data science later this year in collaboration with the 文理学院.



